Itki (इतकी) Gram Panchayat is a Rural Local Body in Daryapur Panchayat Samiti part of Amravati Zila Parishad. There are total 3 Villages under Itki Gram Panchayat jurisdiction. Gram Panchayat Daryapur is further divided into 3 Wards. Gram Panchayat Daryapur has total 4 schools.
No. | Ward Name | Ward No | LGD Code |
1 | Ward 1 | 1 | 618533 |
2 | Ward 2 | 2 | 618538 |
3 | Ward 3 | 3 | 618551 |
# | Name | Management | Category | Boys | Girls | Teachers | School Code |
1 | Z P Pri School Tamaswadi | Local Body | Primary Only With Grades 1 To 5 | 12 | 6 | 2 | 27070803201 |
2 | Gps Barlas | Department Of Education | Primary Only With Grades 1 To 5 | 17 | 28 | 2 | 3020111101 |
3 | Z P Pre Mid School Itki | Local Body | Upper Primary With Grades 1 To 8 | 39 | 46 | 5 | 27070802501 |
4 | Z P Pri School Antargaon Bambarda | Local Body | Primary Only With Grades 1 To 5 | 12 | 13 | 2 | 27070809501 |
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