Urban Local Bodies of India


The Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) of India are the administrative units responsible for the civic and infrastructural needs of the urban areas in the country. These include municipalities, municipal corporations, and cantonment boards, among others. The ULBs are governed by the Municipal Corporation Act, which outlines their powers, responsibilities, and structure. The ULBs are responsible for providing essential services such as water supply, sewage management, waste management, and street lighting, as well as maintaining roads and other public infrastructure. They also play a role in urban planning and development, and are involved in the implementation of government schemes and programs for the benefit of urban residents.

There are total 4852 Urban Local Bodies in India. The Uttar Pradesh state has highest no. of ULBs in India having 763 ULBs and Chandigarh state has lowest no. of ULBs in India having 1 ULBs.

Urban Local Body Types

There are 8 types of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in India as below:

List of Urban Local Body Types
# Urban Local Body Type No. of ULBs LGD Code
1 Municipal Corporations 268 4
2 Municipality 1874 5
3 Notified Area Council 142 6
4 Town Panchayat 2458 7
5 Cantonment Board 60 8
6 NCT Municipal Council 1 21
7 City Municipal Council 61 24
8 Town Municipal Council 123 25

State/UT ULBs

Browse ULBs by State/UT:

List of States having ULBs
S.No. State Name No. of ULBs LGD Code
1 Andaman And Nicobar Islands | আন্দামান এবং নিকোবর দ্বীপপুঞ্জ 1 35
2 Andhra Pradesh | ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ 187 28
3 Arunachal Pradesh | अरुणाचल प्रदेश 35 12
4 Assam | আসাম 105 18
5 Bihar | बिहार 251 10
6 Chandigarh | चंडीगढ़ 1 4
7 Chhattisgarh | छत्तीसगढ 192 22
8 Delhi | दिल्ली 15 7
9 Goa | गोवा 14 30
10 Gujarat | ગુજરાત 166 24
11 Haryana | हरियाणा 90 6
12 Himachal Pradesh | हिमाचल प्रदेश 68 2
13 Jammu And Kashmir | जम्मू और कश्मीर 80 1
14 Jharkhand | झारखंड 52 20
15 Karnataka | ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ 320 29
16 Kerala | കേരളം 94 32
17 Ladakh | लद्दाख 2 37
18 Madhya Pradesh | मध्य प्रदेश 416 23
19 Maharashtra | महाराष्ट्र 409 27
20 Manipur | मणिपुरी 30 14
21 Meghalaya | मेघालय 12 17
22 Mizoram | मिजोरम 26 15
23 Nagaland | नगालैंड 44 13
24 Odisha | उड़ीसा 115 21
25 Puducherry | पुदुचेरी 5 34
26 Punjab | पंजाब 169 3
27 Rajasthan | राजस्थान RAJASTHAN 237 8
28 Sikkim | सिक्किम 7 11
29 Tamil Nadu | தமிழ்நாடு 667 33
30 Telangana | తెలంగాణ 147 36
31 The Dadra And Nagar Haveli And Daman And Diu | दादरा और नगर हवेली और दमन और दीव 3 38
32 Tripura | ত্রিপুরা 20 16
33 Uttar Pradesh | उत्तर प्रदेश 763 9
34 Uttarakhand | उत्तराखंड 112 5
35 West Bengal | পশ্চিমবঙ্গ 132 19

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: How many Municipal Corporations are there in India?
A: There are total 268 Municipal Corporations in India.

2. Q: How many Municipality are there in India?
A: There are total 1874 Municipality in India.

3. Q: How many Notified Area Council are there in India?
A: There are total 142 Notified Area Council in India.

4. Q: How many Town Panchayat are there in India?
A: There are total 2458 Town Panchayat in India.

5. Q: How many Cantonment Board are there in India?
A: There are total 60 Cantonment Board in India.

6. Q: How many NCT Municipal Council are there in India?
A: There are total 1 NCT Municipal Council in India.

7. Q: How many City Municipal Council are there in India?
A: There are total 61 City Municipal Council in India.

8. Q: How many Town Municipal Council are there in India?
A: There are total 123 Town Municipal Council in India.

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