Gram Panchayats of Bhinmal


Bhinmal Panchayat Samiti is a Rural Local Body in Jalore Zila Parishad. There are total 21 Gram Panchayats and 43 Villages under Bhinmal panchayat samiti jurisdiction.

Gram Panchayat List of Bhinmal
# Village Panchayat Name LGD Code
1 Bhagal Bheem 38875
2 Bhagal Septa 38876
3 Bharudi 38937
4 Borta 38878
5 Dantiwas 38880
6 Daspa 38881
7 Dhansa 38941
8 Fagotra 38884
9 Junjani 38887
10 Khanpur 38948
11 Kora 38892
12 Kot Kasta 38893
13 Modra 38950
14 Narta 38899
15 Nimbawas 38900
16 Nohra (नोहरा) 294322
17 Punasa 38901
18 Ropsi 38990
19 Serna 38960
20 Sarthala (सरथला) 294321
21 Thobau 38906

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