Gram Panchayats of Koppa


Koppa Panchayat Samiti is a Rural Local Body in Chikkamagaluru Zila Parishad. There are total 22 Gram Panchayats and 80 Villages under Koppa panchayat samiti jurisdiction.

Gram Panchayat List of Koppa
# Village Panchayat Name LGD Code
1 Agalagandi 216893
2 Asagodu 216894
3 Atthikodige 216895
4 Bhandigadi 216896
5 Bhuvanakote (uttameswara) 216897
6 Binthravalli 216898
7 Chavalmane 216899
8 Guddethota 216900
9 Harandur (koppa) 216901
10 Hariharapura 216902
11 Heruru 216903
12 Hiregadde 216904
13 Hirekodige 216905
14 Jayapura 216906
15 Kesave 216907
16 Koppa (rural) 216908
17 Marithotlu (andhagaru) 216909
18 Narasipura (narve) 216910
19 Niluvagilu 216911
20 Nuggi (bappunji) 216912
21 Shanuvalli 216913
22 Tuluvinakoppa (kalkere) 216914

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