Gram Panchayats of Morni


Morni Panchayat Samiti is a Rural Local Body in Panchkula Zila Parishad. There are total 26 Gram Panchayats and 26 Villages under Morni panchayat samiti jurisdiction.

Gram Panchayat List of Morni
# Village Panchayat Name LGD Code
1 Baladwala 31767
2 Baloti 298037
3 Bhoj Balag 31768
4 Bhoj Darda 265520
5 Bhoj Dharti 31769
6 Bhoj Jabyal 31770
7 Bhoj Kothi 31772
8 Bhoj Koti 31771
9 Bhoj Kudana 31773
10 Bhoj Matour 31774
11 Bhoj Naita 31775
12 Bhoj Plasra 236831
13 Bhoj Ponta 31776
14 Bhoj Rajpura 31777
15 Bhoj Tipra 31778
16 Bhudi 298035
17 Dabsu 31779
18 Dharla 265852
19 Dudhgarh 31781
20 Mashyun 298031
21 Raji Tikri 31782
22 Sabilpur 31783
23 Thandog 31780
24 Thapli 31784
25 Tikkar 265519
26 Uttron 31785

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