Panchayat Samitis of Balaghat


Balaghat district panchayat is a Rural Local Body of Madhya Pradesh state. There are total 10 Panchayat Samitis, 690 Gram Panchayats and 1358 Villages under Balaghat district panchayat jurisdiction.

Panchayat Samiti List of Balaghat
# Panchayat Samiti Name No. of Gram Panchayats LGD Code
1 Baihar (बैहर) 54 4107
2 Balaghat (बालाघाट) 77 4108
3 Birsa (बिरसा) 62 4109
4 Katangi (कटंगी) 81 4110
5 Khairlanji (खैरलांजी) 62 4111
6 Kirnapur (किरनापुर) 83 4112
7 Lalbarra (लालबर्रा) 77 4113
8 Lanji (लांजी) 77 4114
9 Paraswada (परसवाडा) 57 4115
10 Waraseoni (वारासिवनी) 60 4116

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: How many Intermediate Panchayats are there in Balaghat district panchayat?
A: There are total 10 Intermediate Panchayats in Balaghat district panchayat.

z. Q: How many Gram Panchayats are there in Balaghat district panchayat?
A: There are total 690 Gram Panchayats in Balaghat district panchayat.

z. Q: How many Villages are there in Balaghat district panchayat?
A: There are total 1358 Villages in Balaghat district panchayat.

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