Panchayat Samitis of Khargone


Khargone district panchayat is a Rural Local Body of Madhya Pradesh state. There are total 9 Panchayat Samitis, 590 Gram Panchayats and 1408 Villages under Khargone district panchayat jurisdiction.

Panchayat Samiti List of Khargone
# Panchayat Samiti Name No. of Gram Panchayats LGD Code
1 Barwah (बड़वाह) 114 4254
2 Bhagvanpura (भगवानपुरा) 60 4255
3 Bhikangaon (भीकनगांव) 65 4256
4 Gogawan (गोगांवा) 43 4257
5 Kasrawad (कसरावद) 83 4258
6 Khargone (खरगौन) 43 4259
7 Maheshwar (महेश्वर) 69 4260
8 Segaon (सेगांव) 37 4261
9 Ziranya (झिरन्या) 76 4262

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: How many Intermediate Panchayats are there in Khargone district panchayat?
A: There are total 9 Intermediate Panchayats in Khargone district panchayat.

z. Q: How many Gram Panchayats are there in Khargone district panchayat?
A: There are total 590 Gram Panchayats in Khargone district panchayat.

z. Q: How many Villages are there in Khargone district panchayat?
A: There are total 1408 Villages in Khargone district panchayat.

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