Kheda district panchayat is a Rural Local Body of Gujarat state. There are total 10 Panchayat Samitis, 520 Gram Panchayats and 572 Villages under Kheda district panchayat jurisdiction.
# | Panchayat Samiti Name | No. of Gram Panchayats | LGD Code |
1 | Kapadvanj | 102 | 4519 |
2 | Kathlal | 55 | 4520 |
3 | Kheda | 38 | 4521 |
4 | Mahudha | 43 | 4522 |
5 | Matar | 46 | 4523 |
6 | Mehmedabad | 65 | 4524 |
7 | Nadiad | 49 | 4525 |
8 | Thasra | 66 | 4526 |
9 | Vaso | 22 | 275711 |
10 | Galteshwar | 34 | 275708 |
1. Q: How many Intermediate Panchayats are there in Kheda district panchayat?
A: There are total 10 Intermediate Panchayats in
Kheda district panchayat.
z. Q: How many Gram Panchayats are there in Kheda district panchayat?
A: There are total 520 Gram Panchayats in
Kheda district panchayat.
z. Q: How many Villages are there in Kheda district panchayat?
A: There are total 572 Villages in
Kheda district panchayat.
Neelayapalem (నీలాయపాలెం) Ravanapalle (రావణ పల్లె) Udakishunganj (उदाकिशुनगंज) Balpet (बलपेट) Bichhiyatola (बिछियाटोला) Phaphni (फाफनी) Jantrakhadi (જંત્રાખડી) Muradbas Ashyari (अश्याडी) Deoran (देवरान) Ghingodar (झिगोंदर) Sarwad (सरवड) Kamlaj (कामळज) Birsinghgarh Rajpur Chak Muglani Shahpur Peeran Cholledu (చొల్లేడు) Dhumdari (దుందారి) Chinvon Doodi Kaithauli Prithavipur Sadamau Sadh