Panchayat Samitis of Raigad


Raigad district panchayat is a Rural Local Body of Maharashtra state. There are total 15 Panchayat Samitis, 809 Gram Panchayats and 1887 Villages under Raigad district panchayat jurisdiction.

Panchayat Samiti List of Raigad
# Panchayat Samiti Name No. of Gram Panchayats LGD Code
1 Alibag (अलिबाग) 62 4880
2 Karjat (कर्जत) 54 4881
3 Khalapur (खालापूर) 44 4882
4 Mahad (महाड) 134 4883
5 Mangaon (मानगाव) 74 4884
6 Mhasala (म्हासळा) 39 4885
7 Murud (मुरूड) 24 4886
8 Panvel (पनवेल) 71 4887
9 Pen (पेण) 65 4888
10 Poladpur (पोलादपूर) 42 4889
11 Roha (रोहा) 64 4890
12 Shrivardhan (श्रीवर्धन) 43 4891
13 Sudhagad (सुधागड) 33 4892
14 Tala (ताला) 25 4893
15 Uran (उरण) 35 4894

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: How many Intermediate Panchayats are there in Raigad district panchayat?
A: There are total 15 Intermediate Panchayats in Raigad district panchayat.

z. Q: How many Gram Panchayats are there in Raigad district panchayat?
A: There are total 809 Gram Panchayats in Raigad district panchayat.

z. Q: How many Villages are there in Raigad district panchayat?
A: There are total 1887 Villages in Raigad district panchayat.

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