Aron Town Panchayat


Aron is a Urban Local Body of type Town Panchayat in Guna district of Madhya Pradesh state.

Aron Local body information
Urban Local Body Name Aron
Urban Local Body Type Town Panchayat
District Name Guna
State Name Madhya Pradesh
LGD Code 250719
Pincodes 473101, 

Wards of Aron

There are total 15 wards in Aron Town Panchayat.

List of Wards
# Ward Name Ward No LGD Code
1 adiwasi pura sant kabirdas ward 1 7835
2 chota mohalla harijan pura ambedkar ward 2 7836
3 ganeshwari mohalla chatrapati shivaji wa 3 7837
4 pratap marg swatantra sangram ward 4 7838
5 math mohalla mahatma gandhi ward 5 7839
6 mahadev mohalla maharana pratap ward 6 7840
7 sadar baazar deendaayal ward 7 7841
8 shyamli chandrasekhar azad ward 8 7842
9 narayan colony subhash chandra ward 9 7843
10 saraswati colony jawaharlal nehru ward 10 7844
11 jagdamba ward 11 7845
12 gandhinagar dattatray ward 12 7846
13 bypass colony sardar bhagat ward 13 8099
14 barbatpura siyaram ward 14 8100
15 sant ravidas ward 15 8101

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