Bhiwapur Town Panchayat


Bhiwapur is a Urban Local Body of type Town Panchayat in Nagpur district of Maharashtra state.

BHIWAPUR Local body information
Urban Local Body Name Bhiwapur
Urban Local Body Type Town Panchayat
District Name Nagpur
State Name Maharashtra
LGD Code 263363
Pincodes 441201, 


There are total 17 wards in Bhiwapur Town Panchayat.

List of Wards
# Ward Name Ward No LGD Code
1 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.1 1 1306929
2 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.2 2 1306930
3 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.3 3 1306931
4 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.4 4 1306932
5 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.5 5 1306933
6 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.6 6 1306934
7 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.7 7 1306935
8 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.8 8 1306936
9 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.9 9 1306937
10 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.10 10 1306938
11 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.11 11 1306939
12 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.12 12 1306940
13 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.13 13 1306941
14 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.14 14 1306942
15 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.15 15 1306943
16 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.16 16 1306944
17 Bhiwapur (N P) - Ward No.17 17 1306945

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