Bikarm Town Panchayat


Bikarm is a Urban Local Body of type Town Panchayat in Patna district of Bihar state.

Bikarm Local body information
Urban Local Body Name Bikarm
Urban Local Body Type Town Panchayat
District Name Patna
State Name Bihar
LGD Code 276644

Wards of Bikarm

There are total 14 wards in Bikarm Town Panchayat.

List of Wards
# Ward Name Ward No LGD Code
1 Bikram (M) - Ward No.1 1 1298660
2 Bikram (M) - Ward No.2 2 1298661
3 Bikram (M) - Ward No.3 3 1298662
4 Bikram (M) - Ward No.4 4 1298663
5 Bikram (M) - Ward No.5 5 1298664
6 Bikram (M) - Ward No.6 6 1298665
7 Bikram (M) - Ward No.7 7 1298666
8 Bikram (M) - Ward No.8 8 1298667
9 Bikram (M) - Ward No.9 9 1298668
10 Bikram (M) - Ward No.10 10 1298669
11 Bikram (M) - Ward No.11 11 1298670
12 Bikram (M) - Ward No.12 12 1298671
13 Bikram (M) - Ward No.13 13 1298672
14 Bikram (M) - Ward No.14 14 1298673

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