Ghosi Town Panchayat


Ghosi is a Urban Local Body of type Town Panchayat in Mau district of Uttar Pradesh state.

Ghosi Local body information
Urban Local Body Name Ghosi
Urban Local Body Type Town Panchayat
District Name Mau
State Name Uttar Pradesh
LGD Code 249485
Pincodes 275304, 

Wards of Ghosi

There are total 17 wards in Ghosi Town Panchayat.

List of Wards
# Ward Name Ward No LGD Code
1 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.1 1 6416
2 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.2 2 6417
3 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.3 3 6418
4 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.4 4 6419
5 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.5 5 6420
6 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.6 6 6421
7 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.7 7 6422
8 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.8 8 6423
9 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.9 9 6424
10 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.10 10 6425
11 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.11 11 6426
12 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.12 12 6427
13 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.13 13 6428
14 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.14 14 6429
15 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.15 15 6430
16 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.16 16 6431
17 Ghosi (NP) - Ward No.17 17 6432

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