Harsud Town Panchayat


Harsud is a Urban Local Body of type Town Panchayat in East Nimar district of Madhya Pradesh state.

Harsud Local body information
Urban Local Body Name Harsud
Urban Local Body Type Town Panchayat
District Name East Nimar
State Name Madhya Pradesh
LGD Code 250920
Pincodes 450116, 

Wards of Harsud

There are total 15 wards in Harsud Town Panchayat.

List of Wards
# Ward Name Ward No LGD Code
1 Sati Mata Ward No.1 Harsud (NP) 1 23219
2 Dr. Ambedkar Ward No.2 Harsud (NP) 2 23220
3 Bhagatsingh Ward No.3 Harsud (NP) 3 23221
4 Lal Bahadur Shastri Ward No.4 Harsud (NP) 4 23222
5 Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Ward No.5 Harsud (NP) 5 23223
6 Maulana Azad Ward No.6 Harsud (NP) 6 23224
7 Mahatma Gandhi Ward No.7 Harsud (NP) 7 23225
8 Netaji Subhashchand Bose Ward No.8 Harsud (NP) 8 23226
9 Jai Prakash Narayan Ward No.9 Harsud (NP) 9 23227
10 Railway Station Ward No.10 Harsud (NP) 10 23228
11 Dr. Jakir Hussain Ward No.11 Harsud (NP) 11 23229
12 Sant Bukhardas Baba Ward No.12 Harsud (NP) 12 23230
13 Shriram Mandir Ward No.13 Harsud (NP) 13 23231
14 Pt. Deen Dayal Ward No.14 Harsud (NP) 14 23232
15 Raja Harishchandra Ward No.15 Harsud (NP) 15 23233

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