Khunti Town Panchayat


Khunti is a Urban Local Body of type Town Panchayat in Khunti district of Jharkhand state.

Khunti Local body information
Urban Local Body Name Khunti
Urban Local Body Type Town Panchayat
District Name Khunti
State Name Jharkhand
LGD Code 250414
Pincodes 835210, 

Wards of Khunti

There are total 19 wards in Khunti Town Panchayat.

List of Wards
# Ward Name Ward No LGD Code
1 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.5 5 7089
2 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.6 6 7090
3 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.7 7 7091
4 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.8 8 7092
5 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.9 9 7093
6 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.10 10 7094
7 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.11 11 7095
8 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.12 12 7096
9 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.13 13 7097
10 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.14 14 7098
11 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.15 15 7099
12 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.16 16 7100
13 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.1 1 21797
14 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.2 2 21798
15 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.3 3 21799
16 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.4 4 21800
17 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.17 17 1295486
18 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.18 18 1295487
19 Khunti (NA) - Ward No.19 19 1295488

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