Sanchore Town Panchayat


Sanchore is a Urban Local Body of type Town Panchayat in Jalore district of Rajasthan state.

Sanchore Local body information
Urban Local Body Name Sanchore
Urban Local Body Type Town Panchayat
District Name Jalore
State Name Rajasthan
LGD Code 248769

Wards of Sanchore

There are total 35 wards in Sanchore Town Panchayat.

List of Wards
# Ward Name Ward No LGD Code
1 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.1 1 20235
2 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.2 2 20236
3 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.3 3 20237
4 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.4 4 20238
5 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.5 5 20435
6 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.6 6 20436
7 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.7 7 20437
8 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.8 8 20438
9 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.9 9 20439
10 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.10 10 20440
11 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.11 11 20441
12 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.12 12 20442
13 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.13 13 20443
14 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.14 14 20444
15 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.15 15 20445
16 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.16 16 20446
17 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.17 17 20447
18 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.18 18 20448
19 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.19 19 20449
20 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.20 20 20450
21 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.21 21 784782
22 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.22 22 784783
23 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.23 23 784784
24 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.24 24 784785
25 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.25 25 784786
26 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.26 26 1305428
27 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.27 27 1305429
28 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.28 28 1305430
29 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.29 29 1305431
30 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.30 30 1305432
31 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.31 31 1305433
32 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.32 32 1305434
33 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.33 33 1305435
34 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.34 34 1305436
35 Sanchore (M) - Ward No.35 35 1305437

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