Zila Parishads of Assam


There are total 27 District Panchayats, 192 Intermediate Panchayats and 2197 Gram Panchayats in Assam.

Zila Parishad List of Assam
# District Panchayat Name No. of Intermediate Panchayats No. of Gram Panchayats LGD Code
1 Bajali 2 31 299746
2 Barpeta 9 98 243
3 Biswanath 7 76 277402
4 Bongaigaon 5 65 244
5 Cachar 15 162 245
6 Charaideo 4 36 277403
7 Darrang 6 75 246
8 Dhemaji 5 65 247
9 Dhubri (DHUBURI) 13 132 248
10 Dibrugarh 7 93 249
11 Goalpara 8 81 250
12 Golaghat 8 102 251
13 Hailakandi 5 62 252
14 Hojai 5 67 277404
15 Jorhat 6 90 253
16 Kamrup 14 139 254
17 Kamrup Metro (KAMRUP MOHANAGAR) 4 21 562
18 Karimganj 7 95 255
19 Lakhimpur 9 81 256
20 Majuli 2 20 277405
21 Marigaon 7 85 257
22 Nagaon 15 172 258
23 Nalbari 7 65 259
24 Sivasagar 5 82 260
25 Sonitpur 7 82 261
26 South Salmara Mankachar 3 35 277406
27 Tinsukia 7 85 262

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: Which District Panchayat in Assam has maximum number of Gram Panchayats in it?
A: Nagaon District Panchayat has maximum number of Gram Panchayats having 172 Gram Panchayats.

2. Q: Which District Panchayat in Assam has maximum number of Intermediate Panchayats in it?
A: Cachar District Panchayat has maximum number of Intermediate Panchayats having 15 Intermediate Panchayats.

3. Q: How many Gram Panchayats are there in Assam?
A: There are total 2197 Gram Panchayats in Assam.

4. Q: How many Intermediate Panchayats are there in Assam?
A: There are total 192 Intermediate Panchayats in Assam.

5. Q: How many District Panchayats are there in Assam?
A: There are total 27 District Panchayats in Assam.

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