Zila Parishads of Bihar


There are total 38 District Panchayats, 534 Intermediate Panchayats and 8160 Gram Panchayats in Bihar.

Zila Parishad List of Bihar
# District Panchayat Name No. of Intermediate Panchayats No. of Gram Panchayats LGD Code
1 Araria (अररिया) 9 212 179
2 Arwal (अरवल) 5 64 561
3 Aurangabad (औरंगाबाद) 11 202 180
4 Banka (बाँका) 11 182 181
5 Begusarai (बेगूसराय) 18 229 182
6 Bhagalpur (भागलपुर) 16 238 183
7 Bhojpur (भोजपुर) 14 226 184
8 Buxar (बक्सर) 11 142 185
9 Darbhanga (दरभंगा) 18 309 186
10 Gaya (गया) 24 320 187
11 Gopalganj (गोपालगंज) 14 232 188
12 Jamui (जमुई) 10 152 189
13 Jehanabad (जहानाबाद) 7 91 190
14 Kaimur (bhabua) (कैमूर (भभुआ)) 11 147 191
15 Katihar (कटिहार) 16 234 192
16 Khagaria (खगड़िया) 7 129 193
17 Kishanganj (किशनगंज) 7 125 194
18 Lakhisarai (लखीसराय) 7 76 195
19 Madhepura (मधेपुरा) 13 160 196
20 Madhubani (मधुबनी) 21 388 197
21 Munger (मुंगेर) 9 99 198
22 Muzaffarpur (मुजफ्फरपुर) 16 381 199
23 Nalanda (नालंदा) 20 231 200
24 Nawada (नवादा) 14 187 201
25 Pashchim Champaran (पश्चिम चंपारण) 18 315 202
26 Patna (पटना) 23 313 203
27 Purbi Champaran (पूर्वी चंपारण) 27 396 204
28 Purnia (पुर्णिया) 14 230 205
29 Rohtas (रोहतास) 19 236 206
30 Saharsa (सहरसा) 10 141 207
31 Samastipur (समस्तीपुर) 20 347 208
32 Saran (सारण) 20 318 209
33 Sheikhpura (शेखपुरा) 6 50 210
34 Sheohar (शिवहर) 5 53 211
35 Sitamarhi (सीतामढ़ी) 17 269 212
36 Siwan (सीवान) 19 284 213
37 Supaul (सुपौल) 11 174 214
38 Vaishali (वैशाली) 16 278 215

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: Which District Panchayat in Bihar has maximum number of Gram Panchayats in it?
A: Purbi Champaran (पूर्वी चंपारण) District Panchayat has maximum number of Gram Panchayats having 396 Gram Panchayats.

2. Q: Which District Panchayat in Bihar has maximum number of Intermediate Panchayats in it?
A: Purbi Champaran (पूर्वी चंपारण) District Panchayat has maximum number of Intermediate Panchayats having 27 Intermediate Panchayats.

3. Q: How many Gram Panchayats are there in Bihar?
A: There are total 8160 Gram Panchayats in Bihar.

4. Q: How many Intermediate Panchayats are there in Bihar?
A: There are total 534 Intermediate Panchayats in Bihar.

5. Q: How many District Panchayats are there in Bihar?
A: There are total 38 District Panchayats in Bihar.

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