Zila Parishads of Chhattisgarh


There are total 27 District Panchayats, 146 Intermediate Panchayats and 11656 Gram Panchayats in Chhattisgarh.

Zila Parishad List of Chhattisgarh
# District Panchayat Name No. of Intermediate Panchayats No. of Gram Panchayats LGD Code
1 Bastar (बस्तर) 7 433 333
2 Bijapur 4 170 580
3 Bilaspur 7 649 334
4 Balod (बालोद) 5 437 272333
5 Balodabazar (बलौदाबाज़ार) 6 644 272736
6 Balrampur (बलरामपुर) 6 468 272740
7 Bemetara (बेमेतरा) 4 429 272332
8 Dantewada 4 143 335
9 Dhamtari 4 370 336
10 Durg 3 300 337
11 Gariyaband (गरियाबंद) 5 336 272737
12 Janjgir-champa 9 657 338
13 Jashpur (जशपुर) 8 444 339
14 Kabirdham (KAWARDHA) 4 468 341
15 Kanker (कांकेर) 7 454 340
16 Korba 5 412 342
17 Korea 5 363 343
18 Kondagaon 5 383 272735
19 Mahasamund 5 551 344
20 Mungeli 3 370 272738
21 Narayanpur 2 104 581
22 Raigarh (रायगढ़) 9 774 345
23 Raipur 4 410 346
24 Rajnandgaon 9 814 347
25 Surguja 7 439 348
26 Sukma 3 153 272734
27 Surajpur 6 481 272739

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: Which District Panchayat in Chhattisgarh has maximum number of Gram Panchayats in it?
A: Rajnandgaon District Panchayat has maximum number of Gram Panchayats having 814 Gram Panchayats.

2. Q: Which District Panchayat in Chhattisgarh has maximum number of Intermediate Panchayats in it?
A: Raigarh (रायगढ़) District Panchayat has maximum number of Intermediate Panchayats having 9 Intermediate Panchayats.

3. Q: How many Gram Panchayats are there in Chhattisgarh?
A: There are total 11656 Gram Panchayats in Chhattisgarh.

4. Q: How many Intermediate Panchayats are there in Chhattisgarh?
A: There are total 146 Intermediate Panchayats in Chhattisgarh.

5. Q: How many District Panchayats are there in Chhattisgarh?
A: There are total 27 District Panchayats in Chhattisgarh.

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