Zila Parishads of Jammu And Kashmir


There are total 20 District Panchayats, 275 Intermediate Panchayats and 4291 Gram Panchayats in Jammu And Kashmir.

Zila Parishad List of Jammu And Kashmir
# District Panchayat Name No. of Intermediate Panchayats No. of Gram Panchayats LGD Code
1 Anantnag 16 335 1
2 Badgam 17 296 2
3 Bandipora 12 151 567
4 Baramulla 26 402 3
5 Doda 17 237 4
6 Ganderbal 7 126 570
7 Jammu 20 305 5
8 Kathua 19 257 7
9 Kishtwar 13 136 564
10 Kulgam 11 178 566
11 Kupwara 24 385 8
12 Poonch 11 229 10
13 Pulwama 11 190 11
14 Rajauri 9 312 12
15 Ramban 11 143 565
16 Reasi 12 153 571
17 Samba 9 101 568
18 Shopian 9 98 569
19 Srinagar 4 21 13
20 Udhampur 17 236 14

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: Which District Panchayat in Jammu And Kashmir has maximum number of Gram Panchayats in it?
A: Baramulla District Panchayat has maximum number of Gram Panchayats having 402 Gram Panchayats.

2. Q: Which District Panchayat in Jammu And Kashmir has maximum number of Intermediate Panchayats in it?
A: Baramulla District Panchayat has maximum number of Intermediate Panchayats having 26 Intermediate Panchayats.

3. Q: How many Gram Panchayats are there in Jammu And Kashmir?
A: There are total 4291 Gram Panchayats in Jammu And Kashmir.

4. Q: How many Intermediate Panchayats are there in Jammu And Kashmir?
A: There are total 275 Intermediate Panchayats in Jammu And Kashmir.

5. Q: How many District Panchayats are there in Jammu And Kashmir?
A: There are total 20 District Panchayats in Jammu And Kashmir.

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