Zila Parishads of Jharkhand


There are total 24 District Panchayats, 264 Intermediate Panchayats and 4345 Gram Panchayats in Jharkhand.

Zila Parishad List of Jharkhand
# District Panchayat Name No. of Intermediate Panchayats No. of Gram Panchayats LGD Code
1 Bokaro 9 249 281
2 Chatra 12 152 282
3 Deoghar (देवघर) 10 194 283
4 Dhanbad 10 256 284
5 Dumka 10 206 285
6 East Singhbum 11 231 286
7 Garhwa 20 189 287
8 Giridih (गिरिडीह) 13 344 288
9 Godda 9 197 289
10 Gumla 12 159 290
11 Hazaribagh 16 250 291
12 Jamtara (जामताड़ा) 6 118 292
13 Khunti 6 86 556
14 Koderma 6 105 293
15 Latehar 10 115 294
16 Lohardaga 7 66 295
17 Pakur 6 128 296
18 Palamu 21 265 297
19 Ramgarh 6 125 557
20 Ranchi 18 305 298
21 Sahebganj 9 162 299
22 Saraikela Kharsawan 9 132 300
23 Simdega 10 94 301
24 West Singhbhum 18 217 302

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: Which District Panchayat in Jharkhand has maximum number of Gram Panchayats in it?
A: Giridih (गिरिडीह) District Panchayat has maximum number of Gram Panchayats having 344 Gram Panchayats.

2. Q: Which District Panchayat in Jharkhand has maximum number of Intermediate Panchayats in it?
A: Palamu District Panchayat has maximum number of Intermediate Panchayats having 21 Intermediate Panchayats.

3. Q: How many Gram Panchayats are there in Jharkhand?
A: There are total 4345 Gram Panchayats in Jharkhand.

4. Q: How many Intermediate Panchayats are there in Jharkhand?
A: There are total 264 Intermediate Panchayats in Jharkhand.

5. Q: How many District Panchayats are there in Jharkhand?
A: There are total 24 District Panchayats in Jharkhand.

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