Town Panchayat / नगर पंचायत

In India, a Town Panchayat (नगर पंचायत) is a local government body that is responsible for the administration of small towns and villages. Town Panchayats are established in towns and villages with a population of less than 100,000, and they are responsible for providing basic services such as water supply, waste management, and public health.

A Municipality, on the other hand, is a local government body that is responsible for the administration of a city or town. Municipalities are typically established in cities with a population of 100,000 or more, and they are responsible for providing a wider range of services, including water supply, waste management, public health, transportation, and urban planning.

Overall, the main difference between a Town Panchayat and a Municipality is the size and population of the area that they serve, as well as the range of services that they are responsible for providing. Town Panchayats are responsible for administering smaller towns and villages, while Municipalities are responsible for administering larger cities.

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