Gram Panchayats of Balakote


Balakote Panchayat Samiti is a Rural Local Body in Poonch Zila Parishad. There are total 17 Gram Panchayats and 26 Villages under Balakote panchayat samiti jurisdiction.

Gram Panchayat List of Balakote
# Village Panchayat Name LGD Code
1 Balakote 7411
2 Bharuti 7412
3 Bhata Dhurian 7413
4 Chandial Sangiote 239178
5 Dharati 7414
6 Dhargloon Lower (Dhargloon Lower) 7415
7 Dhargloon Middle (Dhargloon Middle) 239175
8 Dhargloon Upper (Dhargloon Upper) 7416
9 Galhutta Kandi 239274
10 Galutha Kangra 7464
11 Jaran Wali Gali 7417
12 Kallar Mohra 239177
13 Naka Manjari Lower 7419
14 Naka Manjari Middle 239176
15 Naka Manjari Upper (Naka Manjari Upper) 7418
16 Nar 7420
17 Sangiote 7421

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