Gram Panchayats of Kanke


Kanke Panchayat Samiti is a Rural Local Body in Ranchi Zila Parishad. There are total 32 Gram Panchayats and 32 Villages under Kanke panchayat samiti jurisdiction.

Gram Panchayat List of Kanke
# Village Panchayat Name LGD Code
1 Arsande 114671
2 Badhu 114672
3 Boreya 114673
4 Chandwe 114674
5 Chutu 114675
6 Dumardaga 114676
7 Gagi 114678
8 Hochar 114679
9 Hundur 114680
10 Husir 114681
11 Ichapiri 114682
12 Jaipur 114683
13 Kanke(north) 114685
14 Kanke(south) 114686
15 Kanke(west) 114687
16 Katamkuli 114688
17 Kedal 114689
18 Khatanga 114690
19 Kokdoro 114691
20 Malsiring 114692
21 Manatu 114693
22 Mesra (east) 114694
23 Mesra (west) 114695
24 Neori 114696
25 Pithoria 114697
26 Rarha 114698
27 Sataknadu 114699
28 Sukurhutu (north) 114701
29 Sukurhutu (south) 114702
30 Ulatu 114704
31 Uparkonki 114705
32 Urugutu 114706

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