Gram Panchayats of Kupwara


Kupwara Panchayat Samiti is a Rural Local Body in Kupwara Zila Parishad. There are total 19 Gram Panchayats and 25 Villages under Kupwara panchayat samiti jurisdiction.

Gram Panchayat List of Kupwara
# Village Panchayat Name LGD Code
1 Betergam 7247
2 Bohipora 7248
3 Bubernag 239201
4 Dedikoot (Dadikoot) 7251
5 Gushie A 7255
6 Gushie B 239702
7 Halmatpora A 7257
8 Halmatpora B 239704
9 Halmatpora C 239705
10 Hatmulla 7258
11 Karihama A (Karihama A) 7263
12 Karihama B 239703
13 Mogalpora 7269
14 Nagri (Nagri Malpora) 245638
15 Nagri Malpora B 288855
16 Pazipore 7273
17 Sahipora 239713
18 Sulkote 7277
19 Tikker 7278

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